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Phytosanitary Certificate Issuance & Tracking System (PCIT) United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
PCIT Support

ECert Release Notes

The following release notes are for ECert Version 4.6.7: Release Date: March 2023

ECert Release 4.6.7 consists of the following:

  • Updated to only display active countries on the ECert Enable/Disable Countries screen.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 4.6.6: Release Date: November 2022

ECert Release 4.6.6 consists of the following:

  • Updated e-mail addresses for daily HUB reports.
  • Fixed issue where the Digital Signature flag is not getting cleared.
  • Maintenance updates.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 4.6.5: Release Date: July 2022

ECert Release 4.6.5 consists of the following:

  • Update to accommodate expanded ADs for outgoing eCerts and for incoming eCerts.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 4.6.4: Release Date: May 2022

ECert Release 4.6.4 consists of the following:

  • Maintenance updates.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 4.6.3: Release Date: May 2022

ECert Release 4.6.3 consists of the following:

  • The country code "FR" for France for outgoing certificates are duplicating in the production IPPC HUB while calling PUSH operation in ECERT. To control the certificate duplication, code is updated to filter the France territory countries with the code "FR".

The following release notes are for ECert Version 4.6.2: Release Date: March 2022

ECert Release 4.6.2 consists of the following:

  • Added conditions in the unmarshalling code to ensure ISO-Code FR is translated as France.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 4.6.1: Release Date: December 2021

ECert Release 4.6.1 consists of the following:

  • Year end maintenance.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 4.6: Release Date: December 2021

ECert Release 4.6 consists of the following:

  • Applied HUB mapping 2.7 changes on marshalling and unmarshalling XML components.
    • Inspection Date type validation updated to string in marshalling and unmarshalling XMLs.
    • Applied maximum character length validation on unmarshalling incoming XML and updated the maximum character length on the JPA entities.
    • Support multiple means of conveyances from the incoming XML.
    • Support multiple countries of origin in re-exports (i.e., multiple RPCCO notes) for both incoming and outgoing XMLs.
    • Support Weight Measures and Volume Measures from incoming XML.
  • Replaced HUB proxy classes with a dynamic executable JAR file for using the ecert client call with latest HUB web service methods.
  • Added new wsimport build scripts to create a dynamic JAR file for the HUB proxy classes.
  • Removed code associated with bilateral exchange, which is no longer active.
  • Added reference data for commodity weight and package measurement codes for outgoing XML.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 4.5.1: Release Date: April 2021

ECert Release 4.5.1 consists of the following:

  • Updated the SHA256 digest algorithm in the digital signature for outgoing certificates.
  • Updated the 'Inspection Date' mapping to send as Date and String format based on the mapping version 2.7 for the outgoing certificate.
  • Updated unmarshalling to accept incoming certificates with the Treatment Date NULL.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 4.5: Release Date: February 2021

ECert Release 4.5 consists of the following:

  • Updated marshalling for outgoing certificates to use the same data field for Issue Date that is used for a printed Phytosanitary Certificate.
  • Updated marshalling for outgoing re-export certificates to include a required IncludedSPSClause.
  • Updated unmarshalling for incoming certificates to remove the requirement requiring Treatment Type Second Level data.
  • Updated the logic for saving incoming certificate Additional Declarations to the database.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 4.4: Release Date: December 2020

ECert Release 4.4 consists of the following:

  • Turned off the bilateral exchange with Australia; now all exchange with Australia will be via the HUB.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 4.3.1: Release Date: October 2020

ECert Release 4.3.1 consists of the following:

  • Maintenance release to update email addresses associated with application automated alerts.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 4.3: Release Date: October 2020

ECert Release 4.3 consists of the following:

  • Fix for intermittent error when connecting to ECert from PCIT.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 4.2: Release Date: August 2020

ECert Release 4.2 consists of the following:

  • Added a feature to send a message to the HUB when an incoming xml is not readable.
  • Added a feature to accept a message from the HUB for a United States xml that was not readable by a recipient.
  • Implemented an interface with Agricultural Risk Management (ARM) that will enable ARM to send incoming certificate data to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and to receive status from ARM on the transmission of the data to CBP.
  • Implemented an interface with Agricultural Risk Management (ARM) that will provide ARM Plant Inspection Station users a link to view incoming certificate information.
  • Implemented a mail feature to send a message if there is a failure when generating the PDF BLOB for an incoming certificate.
  • Implemented a mail feature to send a daily status report of the incoming and outgoing traffic, and to send the status about interface with Agricultural Risk Management (ARM).

The following release notes are for ECert Version 4.1: Release Date: April 2020

ECert Release 4.1 consists of the following:

  • Updated the county name Cote d?Ivoire to display correctly on the ECert Administration Enable/Disable Countries screen.
  • Fixed the number format in the NetWeightMeasure tag for outgoing certificates.
  • Created reference tables for ?Package Type Codes? and ?Units of Measure? to validate the incoming certificate measurement codes and to retrieve the corresponding measurement text when displaying incoming certificates.
  • Fixed an issue with Package Type Code 44 (Bag, polybag) that was preventing it from displaying correctly for incoming certificates.
  • Updated the latest list of part types and levels for generating the outgoing XML.
  • Confirmed that withdrawal messages are electronically exchanged when a PCIT Phytosanitary Certificate is voided, replaced, split or combined.
  • Updated Spring framework with Spring 5.0.5 libraries.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 4.0: Release Date: November 2019

ECert Release 4.0 consists of the following:

  • Updated the eCert Administration screen:
    • Added a feature to enable digital signature for US certifficates sent to the selected country.
    • Added a feature to enable Base64 decoding for certificates recieved from selected countries.
    • Enhanced eCert Administration by updating table headers and adding a popup window feature to maintain exchange details.
  • Removed "ECert Scheduler" link for ES users.
  • Updated the logic to not resend expired certificates to the HUB.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 3.3: Release Date: November 2019

ECert Release 3.3 consists of the following:

  • Modifications to retrieve consignee details from the application record instead of the consignee record.
  • Resolved intended use field mapping issue.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 3.2: Release Date: April 2019

ECert Release 3.2 consists of the following:

  • Updated the incoming certificate template to handle re-export certificates with multiple certificate attachments and text.
  • Updated the date range search logic on the View Incoming Certificates screen.
  • Applied Base64 decoding for The Netherlands XML received from the HUB.
  • Turned off the bilateral electronic exchange with The Netherlands.
  • Turned off the daily emails associated with The Netherlands bilateral exchange.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 3.1: Release Date: March 2019

ECert Release 3.1 consists of the following:

  • XML wrapping style is being applied while opening the XML in a browser window from the incoming certificate search list table.
  • Added a feature to allow XML to be downloaded for the incoming phytos on "View Incoming Certificate" search results page.
  • Changes to acknowledgement of HUB messages to consider only "SEVERE" errors returned from the HUB validation.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 3.0: Release Date: March 2019

ECert Release 3.0 consists of the following:

  • Implemented eCert Administration enabling PCIT Administrative users:
    • to enable/disable HUB exchange countries.
    • to dynamically manage the schedule of the PULL/PUSH job.
  • Updated the View Incoming Certificates/Incoming Certificates List to enable users to view the incoming XML and to view the incoming data as a PDF.
  • Updated the PDF template for viewing incoming export and re-export certificates.
  • Added a commodity relationship to the re-export certificate record in support of the updated PDF template for viewing incoming re-export certificates
  • Updated the code to handle HUB validation and Error/Warning scenarios.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 2.3: Release Date: December 2018

ECert Release 2.3 consists of the following:

  • Implemented new service clients to support HUB1.12 API features.
  • Implemented validation features from HUB1.12 service updates.
  • Acknowledged incoming messages with the HUB validation result.
  • Generated new proxies and service components for the HUB 1.12 services.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 2.2: Release Date: November 2018

ECert Release 2.2 consists of the following:

  • Removed encoding while marshalling the attachment and remove decoding while unmarshalling the binary data (attachment) from the XML.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 2.1: Release Date: September 2018

ECert Release 2.1 consists of the following:

  • Quantity and Unit mapping will be declared based on the type of unit. If the unit type is in weight (Kilograms, Pounds, Grams etc.) then the NetWeightMeasure element will be used, otherwise the OQV and QQU elements will be used to declare the quantity and unit.
  • The package description from PCIT will be mapped in "OPTND".
  • Added the tag "ADIPEDL" to declare the Import Permit Number when the Import Permit Number was presented in Additional Declaration section.
  • Updated "OriginSPSCountry" element with "SubordinateSPSCountrySubDivision" to declare the subdivision of origin country.
  • Implemented a new flag in ECERT to acknowledge or skip the incoming certificates from the countries that are not configured in ECERT.
  • Turned on Chile in ECERT production environment to pull and push the certificates from HUB PRD environment.
  • Added a new column to display the incoming certificate type(Export or Re-export) in the search list and the details screen.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 2.0: Release Date: August 2018

ECert Release 2.0 consists of the following:

  • Updated SPSNote "Contentcode" with "Content" element.
  • Fixed XSD validation errors based on HUB 2.2 mapping.
  • Added option for other Quantity including relevant code definitions.
  • Updated package code list based on HUB 2.2 and apply the changes in XML parsing.
  • Replaced " Description " elements with " TypeCode " in the treatment section.
  • Revamped the way to add scientific name based on HUB2.2 mapping
  • Revamped the way to add "intend to use" for plant part.
  • Added schema location in the XML header.
  • Added TypeCode for the SPSProcess tag.
  • Added the special element to include other type packages.
  • Updated HUB new service methods and proxies from the WSDL.
  • Updated ECert client and added a new feature to acknowledge certificate with warning message.
  • Added a new service to download foreign phytos.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 1.9: Release Date: July 2018

ECert Release 1.9 consists of the following:

  • Implemented UI changes for incoming Re-Export certificate to show the attachments and certificate.
  • Updated PDF template to show the Re-Export statement.
  • Fixed date search issue while searching the certificates between two dates.
  • Updated maximum character 100 for the certificate number field.
  • Fixed case sensitive issue while searching a certificate by certificate number.
  • Added the certificate type "Withdrawn" in the search screen.
  • Updated UI changes for the certificate details screen to show and hide the strikeout for the "Withdrawn" certificate and disabled the PDF view for the "Withdrawn" certificate.
  • Implemented methods to parse the encoded binary content and save it on SPS table.
  • Generated/Updated entity beans, methods and services on ECert and PCIT project folders.
  • Updated HUB Mapping elements while Marshalling and UnMarshalling the "Financial Liability".
  • Updated PCIT AOPI changes on ECERT XML Mapping.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 1.8.2: Release Date: February 3, 2018

ECert Release 1.8.2 consists of the following:

  • Removed 'NetWeightMeasure' element from the HUB mapping.
  • Updated Content code set as 5 for SPSFL -'Financial Liability' to harmonize with other countries.
  • Updated Re-Export certificate statement (RPCST) set as code 3.
  • Enabled Base64 encoding for Re-Export 'Foreign Phytos' attachment.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 1.8.1: Release Date: January 18, 2018

ECert Release 1.8.1 consists of the following:

  • Replaced certificate status updated as a code "40" in the mapping and set as a "Withdrawn" in the HUB header.
  • Updated Java code for unmarshalling treatment components from the incoming certificate.
  • Configured Re-exporting for the outgoing certificates and added "Foreign Phytos" attachment mapping for the re-export certificate.
  • Removed Package Type Code conversion from "PhysicalSPSPackage" mapping.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 1.8: Release Date: January 11, 2018

ECert Release 1.8 consists of the following:

  • Developed Service Clients, Service API's, Proxies and Security Configurations to connect HUB UAT and HUB PRD.
  • Implemented Types, Marshall and UnMarshall JAXB components for the SPS Version 17 and generated outgoing phytos with SPS 17.
  • Developed service components to validate the incoming phytos with SPS 17.
  • Developed JPA entities, EJB Bean and EJB Service components for the HUB Data structure.
  • Created new table and fields to persist HUB data.
  • Developed HUB mapping properties to follow the consistent with other hub participants.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 1.7.4: Release Date: December, 2017

ECert Release 1.7.4 consists of the following:

  • Migrated configuration files from Java 1.6 to Java 1.7 version.
  • Migrated Java Components from Java 1.6 to Java 1.7 version.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 1.7.3: Release Date: September, 2017

ECert Release 1.7.3 consists of the following:

  • NETHERLANDS WSDL Update: Integrated Netherlands new version of Production and Testing WSDL with ECert application.
  • ISRAEL Profile Setup: Added ISRAEL credentials and integrated ISRAEL profile with ECert application.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 1.7.2: Release Date: August, 2017

ECert Release 1.7.2 consists of the following:

  • Updated "Unit Of Measure" changes in E-Cert mapping configuration based on table structure.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 1.7.1: Release Date: July, 2017

ECert Release 1.7.1 consists of the following:

  • Updated Means of Conveyance to allow dropdown selection and text entry.
  • Added UNCEFACT option list in the Means of Conveyance dropdown selection (PCIT Changes on E-Cert outgoing XML mapping).
  • Removed Phone, FAX and E-Mail fields from the Consignee and Exporter Details screens (PCIT Changes on ECert outgoing XML mapping).

The following release notes are for ECert Version 1.7: Release Date: March, 2017

ECert Release 1.7 consists of the following:

  • Added Peru, Brazil and Ecuador profile.
  • Created JAX-WS client proxies for Peru to pull the data from Peru service.
  • Created new webmethods, proxies, marshalling and unmarshalling components for the HUB mapping.
  • Added SPS Schema version 16 for HUB Mapping.
  • Added HUB mapping features for the SPSExchangedDocument in the new webservice.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 1.6: Release Date: July 29, 2016

ECert Release 1.6 consists of the following:

  • Added new UI Fields (Transport Means, Inspector Name and Inspector Title) for the incoming phytos and in the 'View Incoming Certificate' screen the preview and PDF view of the certificate has been updated with the new fields. Have updated the commodity listing table on the preview screen.
  • Java NullPointerException issue has been fixed while processing certificate by 'AcceptCertificate' for Mexico and Chile.
  • Java NullPointerException issue has been fixed while processing Treatment information for Mexico and Chile.
  • eCert Incoming and Outgoing report log has been directly updated into ECERT_INCOMING and ECERT_OUTGOING tables.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 1.5: Release Date: March 16, 2016

ECert Release 1.5 consists of the following:

  • Credential has been added for the Peru. Peru will be able to exchange certificates bilaterally with U.S ePhyto system.
  • In the ePhyto XML 'issueSPSLocation; (Place of Issue) element is updated with City and State for all the countries.
  • Fixed java error while replacing certificate in object marshalling. Code updated is in 'MarshallSPSCertificateServiceBean' class and the method name is marshallSPSExhangedDocument(Appcert appcert).
  • Java parser has been updated to unmarshall the Chile SPSCertificate 4 Schema.
  • All Treatment Measurement - Unit codes have been replaced with uncefact standards for Mexico.
  • Inspection Date has been added for Mexico in the IncludedSPSNote tag as like 'Paper Certificate'
  • Parameter 'Reason' has been set as configurable in the property file for the following services Acknowledge and Reject certificates.REASON_MAX_CHARS=100.
  • Created proxy classes for Mexico to unmarshall the SPCertificate 11 schema for processing the Mexico incoming certificates.
  • New country profile set up has been made as configurable in property
    If new country is 'XX'
  • Credential has been added for the Argentina. Argentina will be able to exchanging certificates bilaterally with U.S ePhyto system.
  • Added log report for Outgoing and Incoming Certificates. Report location has been made as configurable.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 1.4.1: Release Date: October 30, 2015

ECert Release 1.4.1 consists of the following:

  • Added the feature to extend the timeout dynamically. The timeout value will be configurable in the property file. Ex: WS_TIMEOUT = 30000 (Milliseconds).
  • eCert1.4 is throwing timeout error on Australia client call. When the size of the response is larger the new feature will trigger the timeout extension automatically for certain count. The timeout count extension will be configurable in the property file. Ex: WS_TIMEOUT_INCREMENT=3000 (Milliseconds.), AU_MAX_ATTEMPT=3.
  • Added a feature to debug the Australia client call. If the Debug flag is 'True' then the system will not allow to process the xml instead print the error/info in the log. This setting will be helpful to avoid/skip the process of XML and print the response from end point. Ex: AU_DEBUG_FLG=false.

The following release notes are for ECert Version 1.4: Release Date: September 16, 2015

ECert Release 1.4 consists of the following:

  • AcknowledgeCertificateById -- AcknowledgeCertificateById endpoint will allow a country to acknowledge the certificate based on the certificate number with reason.
  • RejectCertificateById -- RejectCertificateById endpoint will allow a country to reject the certificate based on the certificate number with reason.
  • Fixed AppScan vulnerability issues in utility methods.